Personal Projects

Game Page & Screenshots


Role: Designer/Artist

Booizoa (2015)

Made by a team of 2 for Ludum Dare 34 with the theme "Growing". The inspiration for the game came from playing Jackbox Party on the TV. The team thought there were a lack of party games in the market so we decided to fill that space.

This was my first participation at a game jam. My motivation to join a game jam was that I wanted to learn how to do everything on my own and become self-sufficient. Game jam was a big challenge for me because previously I only had experience making larger games with a bigger, familiar team and a longer time to think. Creating a working game within 72 hours had forced to unlearn and learn new things, QUICK. This was also the first time I use a propriety game engine - Unity and drew pixel art with Aseprite.

Game Page & Screenshots


Role: Designer/Artist

Cider Fox (2016)

Made by a team of 3 for Global Game Jam 2016 with the theme "Ritual". For this game we wanted to scratch our own itch - there weren't enough co-op games for ourselves to play anymore so we made one for ourselves. I drew my inspiration from the game - Smack A Thief, a mini game from The Settlers.

This was my first time designing a local co-op game so it was a lot of fun and incredibly challenging. The scope for this game was too big for a game jam so we spent extra time after the game to make it a playable game. I learned a lot about the challenges of isometric art, scrolling screens, co-op leveling design. We used the same tools from previous game jams - Unity, Asesprite & Garage Band.

Game Page & Screenshots


Role: Designer/Artist

Otaku Den (2016)

Made by a team of 2 for Ludum Dare 37 with the theme "One Room". The inspiration of this game came from our daily life of wanting to buy collectibles and fit them into a room. This time we wanted to make a small but polished-looking game. Using familiar designs we finished the game design very quickly. Tasks were very clear up front, there were very little going back and forth with the design so we had time to round up the edges, making this our most well-liked game by the community. My challenge for this project was to quickly come up with item and draw each of them under 30 minutes. This time we used a different game engine - GameMaker.

Game Page & Screenshots


Role: Designer/Artist

Wave Like Me (2017)

Made by a team of 2 for Global Game Jam 2017 with the theme "Waves". For this game we wanted hand it in earlier because of our personal schedule conflict with the game jam. I drew inspiration from the game Beat Agent, a rhythm game. The challenge here was to make a working game fast. Made with GameMaker & Aseprite.