What I did as a Game Designer/Producer:

Create a pitch & build demos - I helped shape ideas to design pitches and build game demos to get funding.

Game designing & prototyping - I write design documents and prototype the games I design. My design philosophy is to find the most meaningful but small change that delivers a significant impact. As for prototyping, I use this quick and dirty prototyping technique that involves three basic ideas: build working prototypes as fast as possible, keep the assets ugly until the last possible second and revise or scrap content until it's fun.

Project planning - I helped plan the project's scope, how many resources are needed, and the schedule estimates of a project.

Create a Central Knowledge Database - For remote teams, having a single source of truth can save the team a lot of time. I helped transform teams that used to search through thousands of chat messages to find what they wanted into a team that practiced effective passive communication.

Game scripting - I've scripted games with in-house proprietary tools, .lua, Gamemaker Studio, and Unity.

Cross-team/discipline collaboration - I am good at linking people across disciplines together so that everyone has a good idea of what the others are doing so we can avoid conflicts and unnecessary overlap. I've learned so much from fellow programmers, artists, sound designers, and QA.

Review feedback & create solutions - The most considerable growth I've had as a developer has come from reviewing feedback, designing solutions, and turning them into actionable.

Mentor junior designers - I've provided mentorship for less experienced designers on my team and other teams. The biggest challenge for junior designers is getting over the fear of 'what if I'm wrong?' -- that nagging feeling that you might be screwing up and should give up. It's important to remember that no one is perfect, and it's far better to ask questions than always to be correct.

Test, test & test - even a master chef has to taste test his cooking every time :)

& finally... Shipping the Game!

What I did as a Front-end Developer / UX designer / Product Manager:

Create a pitch for every development cycle - The pitch describes the problem, solution, and boundaries. Most people don't realize that setting boundaries are a good practice to reduce risks on projects before committing them to the team. We practice the "Shape Up" methodology by Basecamp and it worked wonders for our team. Shape up has helped the team stay on the path and deliver meaningful software at each end of a cycle.

Design solutions (UI/UX) - I start my design from the epicenter, focusing on the primary function of the app instead of the extras like navigation. I will design the interface first with "fat marker sketches" on paper and share it with the team to help them see the solution. We will go through multiple rounds of revisions until everyone understands and accepts the proposed solution.

Straight to code - After the sketches, I start writing HTML, CSS & Javascript to get the application up and running. The sooner you can get the User to test the app, the sooner you know whether you're on the right track. This is the reason why I skip wireframes & high-fidelity mocks altogether.

Deciding the next development cycle - I compile the common issues from user testing and discuss with the team which problems are worth solving for the upcoming cycle. Less important ones are kept for future cycles.

Web app I worked on:

ANA - Enterprise Progressive Web App

ANA is an Enterprise Web App that helps Reliability & Maintenance Engineers manage maintenance activities in an organization. ANA uses PWA technology, which enables it to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.

Other solutions in the market are too bulky and complex, they do too much but don't do anything well. To beat our competitors we are not looking to one-up them but to do less. Plant maintenance is a big topic but with a small team of 3, we do what we do best - pick one pain point and excel in it.